Last weekand, on the 15th and 16th October 2011, Densta has organized Kemuncak Bulan Serasi Bersama. This program aims to give the senior and junior to mix around and get to know each other by the activities that has been planned. The activities of this program can be seen here and attendance of all the first year students were compulsory .

On  saturday, the program started with 'Latihan dalam Kumpulan' (LDK) at 8.30am. The juniors were divided into 8 group with five facilitator allocated foe each group. This activity was supposed to make the junior and the facilitator, mainly the senior to interact each other. the junior also mixed around with their colleague as they were asked to do some tasks and had to finished by the time given.

Next activities was 'Explorace of Taman Tasik Titiwangsa' and there was eight checkpoint that the juniors must got all clues and won the first prize. There were four seniors allocated each checkpoint and the junior must passed the task and proceed to the next checkpoint.

On sunday, they attended the 'Study Techniques Talks' given by Dr. Safura Baharin at Dewan Kuliah 2, Pusat Perkembangan Pelajar (PKP). Hoped that all students can make use of the techniques given in the future. Thank you.


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