Talk: Stereotyping and Peaceful Co-Existence
On the September 10th 2015, UKMDENSTA has held a talk, and has invited (in collaboration with Interactive Da'wah Training) Sheikh Nuruddeen Lemu, to become the special guest to give the talk.
Many dental students came to hear what he has to say regarding the title, and it was superbly and eye-opening and truly inspirational. Some students from the other faculty also came to hear the talk as well.
Sheikh Nuruddeen specifically emphasized on how stereotyping people cannot bring peace to our lives. By stereotyping others, others will begin to streotype about ourselves as well. Malay, Chinese, Indians, or even Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus or even Christians, should live together in one peaceful environment. And this can b achieved if stereotyping others or one another is stopped.
"The worst kind of treatment you can give to someone is JUSTICE"
One of those that was quoted by Sheikh Nuruddeen. It was indeed admirable, to be able to still treat people who has treated you so badly, with such justice and honesty, that in the end, that person has no longer any reasons to hate you nor to even still mistreating you.
"Forgive those who did wrong towards you, ESPECIALLY if they did it by mistake"
One of the things that many of us has trouble of doing. The flame of revenge is never going to burn out. If one has started it, then their generations and the opposing generations will continue to be doing the exact same thing. Forgiving other people is hard of course, but by being able to do so, the peace that is given to us, will be the best rewards one could've ever asks for.
True. Definitely true. An analogy to clearly understand this statement; both A and B did a crime. A is a fair skinned man, while B is dark skinned man. Both A and B are living in a country in which its people are mostly white skinned. So what kinds of punishments should they receive?
Some thinks 'A is a good guy, give him a break! B is totally guilty, let him be punished severely!'
These kinds of stereotypes can also exists in our daily lives. So, should we bear with it, or should we just throw it away and live with what we believe, is to give everyone the happiness and justice they all deserve?
A old man was walking along a beach one day. He saw lots of starfish, stranded on the beach. He looked up to the sky. It was almost noon. Surely all the starfish would be dried up, and die due to the heat. At once, he began to collect them one by one and throw them back into the ocean.
A man was also strolling at the beach at that time. He saw the old man, who was picking up the starfish, and threw them towards the ocean. The man took a glimpse of the beach. There weren't only a few of the stranded starfish, there were hundreds, millions maybe! He grinned at what he thinks, the old man's foolishness.
So he went to the old man, saying "Dear old man, stop what you're doing this instance! There are almost millions of starfish on this beach. What you're doing is hopeless.! It will make no difference at all!"
The old man looked at the man, and he picked up one of the starfish, and threw it into the ocean. As the starfish plunged into the ocean water, the old man said, "It made a difference to that one."
It was a great opportunity to attend this talk. Sheikh definitely has a wisdom and an open-minded thinking, that everyone should look up to.
Sheikh Nuruddeen Lemu, the Head of Research Islamic Trust of Nigeria
Part of the students who attended the talk
One of the students asked Sheikh Nuruddeen a question regarding the talk
Khaliq, the YDP of UKMDENSTA, was giving away a token of appreciation to Sheikh
Nuruddeen Lemu, accompanied by Aida, the NYDP 2
The programme was a wrap! Thanks to everyone who came!