26-28 Jan 2019
Pulau Pangkor, Perak
1st Day : Fun Activities With Students from SK Sri Pangkor
During the first day of #eksplorasialam2019 we had chance to interact with students from SK Sri Pangkor for the whole day! Our morning started with ice breaking and cheers game before we gave them some briefing regarding Oral Health which had been lead by Joshua involving live demonstration and fun Q&A session with rewards. Before lunch, we played few games such as Rumor Has It and Musical Chairs. .
Life is short, smile and laugh while you still have teeth! 😁
1st Day (Part 2) : Beach Cleaning with Students from SK Sri Pangkor and I-Cycle Team
With guidance from I-Cycle Team, we managed to clean along the Teluk Nipah Beach. Each team had been given task to collect and separate the recyclable items from other garbage. The team with the heaviest recyclable item had been rewarded! What we did is actually more than beach cleaning, as we also able to enforce recycling habit among those who involved. No one likes a dirty beach!
“There is no such thing as ‘away’. When we throw anything away it must go somewhere”. - Annie Leonard
2nd Day : Island Hopping and Snorkeling
The most awaited activity for all participants!Representative from Pangkor Nature Guides lead our adventures and help us understand more about the aquatic animals such as sea cucumber and various types of fish and shellfish. We had been given about 2 hours to explore the sea by ourselves with the aid of snorkeling equipments provided. It was an exciting experience especially to those who snorkeled for the first time that day. Furthermore, we also learnt fun facts about the islands such as the presence of crocodile-shaped and turtle-shaped stone. Thankfully, the weather was not too extremely hot and everyone manage to safely finished the activity 😊
. “The best way to observe a fish is to become a fish” - Jacobs Cousteau
Together with Pangkor Nature Guide, they brought us into the forest to explore more about the wildlife. We got to see various plants and animals which some are quite rare. To complete the course, we need to hike and cross two small river. Everything was manageable, well unless to those who are afraid of the animals@insects there 🤭 Explanation and fun facts were given by the guides which make the whole forest walking experience more enjoyable! .
“And into the forest I go, to lose my mind and find my soul.”-John Muir
26-28 Jan 2019
Pulau Pangkor, Perak
2nd Day (Part 3): Beach Games
Though feeling tired from all the snorkeling and forest walking, we somehow magically still have energy left for the fun games at the beach. Maybe because we are TOGETHER💪🏻 The games gave us deeper value more than just fun and laughs as we also able to strengthen the bond with each other. Worth mention, there are lots of funny episodes throughout the games that brings out the inner child in us! 🤪
This event would not have been possible and successful without the generous support you have provided us. We truly appreciate the continuous support that you have given. The contributions we recieved help pur programs becoming more complete, productive,fun, and dilligently connected with the society. We sincerely hope that these associations will be maintained and able to continue in supporting us for our future endeavors.
Thank you.
Organizer of EKSPLORASI ALAM 2019